
I can draw only when there’s an image for me to copy. If I look at a picture for several minutes and turn away, I won’t remember the details anymore. So all these drawings were not from my own imagination. All credit belongs to the unknown artists. 🙂

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My latest sketches. “Pray Without Ceasing” and “Charlotte’s Web.” I was motivated to draw again after seeing my good friend Jac2x’s sketch book.

from the book “The Desire of Ages”

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from the College Quarterly lesson book for the youth.

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watercolor drawings

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from Editorials

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5 thoughts on “Sketches

  1. Funny

    Hahaha, me too, I can copy other people picture, but it’s hard to me to imagine some picture and try to drawing it by myself.. anyway, you pretty good to redraw every picture..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Bayuhhh! Thanks for appreciating…^^* I see that we have something in common…lay-outing~~ I’m not a professional though…just a hobby.
      And spaghetti! Yummy!!! ~~^^*
      God bless your heart!


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